In The Beginning....
Hello world! My name is Kira Jensen, and I'm a blogger. Well, I guess I am now... It's funny that for years I've wanted to start a blog, but it wasn't until I had to for a college class. It's not the journey that counts it's the destination right?.. or something. (Sorry Elder Utchdorf) I'm a 25 year old LDS divorced woman, and this blog is exactly what the title suggests: A collection of random musings of me( a marriage and family therapist major). Ok ok, technically they aren't random, I do intend to discuss the awesome things I'm learning in my class that are helping me on my path to help people and share my experiences with those who have or who are going through some things that I've experienced...but, you see, I'm a random person. Hence, my title of choice. Did you know that in Switzerland it is illegal to own just one guinea pig....Hmm they have good chocolate. Ahem, anywho.. What has my life been up until this...