Goes Together Like a Horse and Carraige

I’m impressed with what Goddard talked about in his book" Drawing Heaven into Your Marriage". He talked a lot about the true purpose of marriage and how it’s a trial and a sacrifice, “Since marriage is God's finishing school, we should expect more afflictions or challenges in marriage than in any other arena of life.” Ok well that sounds a little depressing, but to me, I find it encouraging. We are bombarded by dramatic portrayals of romance in media that has given us an over-romanticized expectation of love and marriage. People go to BYU-I do, and while they are there for an education, with their Mutual account in hand, they also have dreams of meeting the one, having a beautiful Pinterest board wedding, and living happily in domestic bliss. Now not most young adults are quite like this, but we have more expectations like this than we realize, and when real marriage life hits, they are blindsided by the difficulty of it and don't know how to cope. Marriag...