Big Bad Wolf
I realized that because of my insecurities and unhealthy need for attachment, I invited abusive and controlling people into my life. My lack of self-esteem led me right to my ex-husband Dexter who was very abusive and just as insecure as I was. I found a sad truth, when you see yourself as trash, you will find someone who will treat you like trash. Through the experience of my marriage I realized how my lack of self-esteem played a role in the situation I had gotten myself into and how, if I didn't change, I would continue to find myself in these kinds of situations. Thanks to this trial I was able to see a problem and change it.
Once I got some life experience and some self-esteem, I started leaning towards the other side of individualism. My bad experience with relationships has soured the idea of marriage a little bit for me and I’ve found myself letting in the third wolf. I’ve become so independent that I’ve felt like I don’t need a husband, I’ll be much happier on my own. I like my life as a single person, I like to do what I want and have my own schedule, I like not having to worry about anyone else and have much more control on my everyday life. But the problem is, if I don’t kick that wolf out, I will either pass up on the opportunity to get married or when I do get married, the wolf of excessive individuality will make selflessness and unity in my marriage a challenge.
Marriage is about sacrifice, to avoid excessive individuality we have to be willing to give our time, attention, and affection in healthy ways to those in our family. Granted in a way my life could be much easier if I never married, but I don’t think it would be happier. Happiness comes from sacrifice and growth.
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